Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Am Not A Coward!

Every day, I continue to be amazed...and floored at the things that happen in Washington. Now, the circle expands- to Attorney General Eric Holder. Mr. Holder was speaking to a group of Justice Department employees during a celebration of Black Heritage Month when he commented on how Americans were 'a nation of cowards' when it came to race issues. Read the story here.

It just floors me that...I don't even know how to express makes me so angry that our AG would paint this nation like that. Let me tell you something, Mr. Holder- THIS American is not a 'coward' when it comes to race issues, and I resent your implication as such. I am not afraid to reach interact with...and to call those who are or are working at becoming part of this country- fellow citizens, brothers and sisters. I notice Mr. Holder that you didn't make these comments in public, but in the safety of a Justice Department gathering. Maybe perhaps you knew how most American would react.

Shame on you.

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