Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Am Not A Coward!

Every day, I continue to be amazed...and floored at the things that happen in Washington. Now, the circle expands- to Attorney General Eric Holder. Mr. Holder was speaking to a group of Justice Department employees during a celebration of Black Heritage Month when he commented on how Americans were 'a nation of cowards' when it came to race issues. Read the story here.

It just floors me that...I don't even know how to express makes me so angry that our AG would paint this nation like that. Let me tell you something, Mr. Holder- THIS American is not a 'coward' when it comes to race issues, and I resent your implication as such. I am not afraid to reach interact with...and to call those who are or are working at becoming part of this country- fellow citizens, brothers and sisters. I notice Mr. Holder that you didn't make these comments in public, but in the safety of a Justice Department gathering. Maybe perhaps you knew how most American would react.

Shame on you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New America

Well, it is done.

In Denver this afternoon, President Barack Obama has signed a $787 billion so-called "Stimulus Plan" that I believe will doom our country for years to come. The administration of this country has passed a bill that is the largest single increase in spending in this country...EVER. The Democrats, who promised that Congress would have 2 days to read the bill before it was voted on, broke their promise. Our President, who promised as a candidate that he would wait 5 days before signing any bill passed out of Congress, broke his promise.

To be honest- I am saddened. I am angry. I know as a Christian that God is in control, and that ultimately, His will...well, WILL be done. It still really hurts to watch the politicians in Washington run amuck, and mortgage our country's future.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is This "Change" and "Transparency"?

So is this how things are going to happen now?

For those of you that didn't know, or weren't paying attention...the committee in charge of the 'compromise' version of the Stimulus Package (aka- Spending Package) finished it's work on Thursday. The Democrats in the Congress pledged that everyone would have 48 hours to read/and review the bill before voting on it. the bill was not made available until nearly Midnight PAPER format! Voting began in the House at 9am Friday, and it was shoved through the Senate Friday night. President Obama pledged that there would be 5 days between the time the bill was voted on, and when he would sign it. He is pledging to sign it Monday (President's Day).

If this is such a good bill, why the rush to shove it through the Congress and get it signed? Do you realize that NONE of those voting on this bill even had a chance to READ it??? The bill is 1,071 pages- one would have to have read around 130 pages an hour...FOR 8 HOURS get through it all. And that is not taking into account being able to comprehend it either.

Was it because House Speaker Pelosi had to get this done so she could take her European vacation? Was it because that the Democrats KNEW that the longer they waited, the more Americans would be outraged at what this bill contains?

Let's get one thing straight- this is no 'Economic Stimulus' bill...this is spending- plain and simple. In the short term, it MAY provide a little help, but in the long term, it is going to have a disastrous effect on out nation- so much so that we may not be able to fix it.

I did not take the time to call my elected representatives and complain. I should have (not that it would've done any good telling my Democratic Senators anything, but...) but I am going to call them now- and tell them that they had better be ready to deal with the consequences of this action.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do As We Say...Not As We Do!

Well well...As we are seeing this huge "stimulus" bill being passed, we find out more about the Democrats 'bipartianship'. They promised the Republicians 48 hours to be able to read the bill before it would be voted on. So why is it being pushed though to be voted on TOMORROW (Friday) ??? Why the rush? Why are we trying to ram a bill through that NO ONE has had time to read?

Homecoming!...sort of.

Stay tuned to this space...for more info from my mini- Park Ridge homecoming tour today. things change.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I started this blog to share my thoughts, views, musings and other stuff on our country, our leaders, Christianity and life in general. You are more than welcome to comment on my posts...but these postings are mine, only mine and I stand behind them 100%. All discussion welcome!

This grew out of some posting I was doing on my Facebook wall that stirred up some varied reactions among various family members. It was suggested that I find a different venue for my views on the current state of out country and the actions of our elected leadership...and leave Facebook for "happy stuff" and "What am I doing now?". I have no problem with that- so, here we are. Well...let's get to it!